In response to the ALP position on troop deployments in Iraq.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Our Troops Will Come Home

Mr Beazley, Leader of the Australian Labor Party in Federal opposition has said " I’m making absolutely clear that if we are elected to government, our troops will come home.”.

This may or may not be a good policy.

Prime Minister Howard has made reference to the "horrendous reprisals" that can occur when troops are withdrawn.

What I would like hear Mr Beazley articulate is why the withdrawal of his troops will not see a repeat of such alleged "atrocities".

If mitigations are known, they should be heard and debated so that the risk can be managed. Like it or not, it has become our responsibility.

Mr Beazley, please articulate how we intend to mitigate the risks. Please ensure that we are not accused of political opportunism.